What will accountancy firms look like post-COVID?

Posted October 30, 2020
As Britain ponders another lockdown, and accountancy firms contemplate yet more remote working, there’s never been a better time to ask: what next? What will accountancy’s “new normal” be when it’s finally safe to go back to the office?

12 Key Sustainability Principles For Engineers

Posted October 12, 2020
Our recovery from COVID-19 has to be a “green recovery”. It’s being talked about in every industry: how to create sustainable practices that will help us tackle the climate crisis. But what does that really mean for engineering and construction – and why is it so important in these fields?

Navigating a post-pandemic career change

Posted September 22, 2020
The pandemic has turned all our lives upside-down. But there’s an upside to being upside-down: it gives you a new perspective. Surprising as it sounds, many people are planning a drastic career change right now – and now is a good time to act. 

Why are contractors in demand?

Posted August 10, 2020
From the beginning of lockdown, the number of people on furlough and the ones who have been made redundant has increased massively. Therefore, temporary workers have been vital to keeping companies operational and we may see a significant increase in this flexible solution.

The damage of professional ghosting

Posted July 24, 2020
Ghosting candidates might seem easier than perhaps giving bad news and you may feel a sense of relief when you consciously walk away from difficult conversations....

Cooper Lomaz Europe

Posted July 21, 2020
Cooper Lomaz Europe is partnering a number of UK and US-based businesses build Technology teams across EMEA. Please check out the article for further information and how to get in touch!

Is working from home actually beneficial?

Posted July 2, 2020
With the technology available today, it is often easier and most convenient for employees to work from home. But is this actually beneficial to both personal and company’s growth? 
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