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Moving on? Our changing jobs checklist can help you prepare for a successful transition

Published date: January 14, 2022

A change of job can be both scary and exciting at the same time. And whether you have the urge to change your job at 25, 30, or even when you’re 50 years old, there are a couple of things you need to consider before making the move

Deciding to move jobs can be daunting, so to make the transition smoother and easier, it’s crucial to come up with a list of things to consider to ensure that you cover all bases before making the final decision.

To help you out, we’ve provided a ‘changing jobs checklist’ that includes crucial tips to consider before taking the leap into a new role.

Preparation is key

Once you’ve made the decision that it’s time to move on, here are some of the first things you need to consider:

1.    Create a Timetable

When beginning the process of changing jobs, you need to come up with a solid plan. To make the transition smoother, you can divide the process into different stages. It’s always crucial to do your research. How competitive is the market right now, what roles are available, industry trends and challenges to be mindful of, as well as an audit of in demand skills, are a good place to start.

This doesn’t have to be followed down to the last detail, but by breaking these down into manageable areas it will serve as a rough blueprint to follow on your journey.

2.    Revamp Your CV

Updating your CV is always important, even if you plan on staying in the same industry sector. Before you start applying for roles, make sure that you have an updated CV that is tailored to the specific role/company that you are applying for.

3.    Improve Your Online Presence

In this day and age, it’s safe to assume that potential employers will check out your social media and online accounts as part of the screening process. So, if you are thinking about moving jobs, you might want to consider boosting your social media and online presence. This means tweaking your profiles to fit the bill of the job you want to get, especially for your personal website or LinkedIn profile.

 The job search begins

Upon finishing up the initial steps, it’s time for you to start looking for your dream job. Below, we have shared some ideas that will help you find more jobs that you could be potentially interested in.

4.    Go Through Your Network

Having a network of people that you can reach out to within your field can be crucial to landing your next dream job. Everybody knows someone in the field and you never know who in your network can connect you with the right person or business.

Though it’s better to start building your network early on, if you’re yet to get started on that front - you’re never too late as having a solid network behind your back is always beneficial.

5.    Check Out Job Boards

Job boards are a great way to find openings and positions in any industry out there. These are updated nearly every day, meaning that you can land on jobs that are of interest to you almost all the time.

Additionally, you can also sign up for job alerts so you receive a notification whenever there’s an opening at a certain company or position.

6.    Find Specialist Recruiters and Make a Connection

Most jobs require specialist recruiters to find top-tier talent to hire. So, when searching for a new role, you might want to consider finding recruiters for that specific field and connecting with them. They can then give you a shout if they have anything that might be of interest to you.

Increasing Your Employability

Even with a changing jobs checklist, making the move into a new role can be hard, regardless of your age and experience. So, here are some things you can do to give yourself a better shot at landing your next role.

7.    Understand The Market

If you’ve been at the same job for a few years, or even decades, chances are that the marketplace that you were once competing against has completely changed. Thus, to make yourself more employable, you need to understand the market and what it is currently looking for.

Being able to provide evidence for the skills that are in demand within your field will dramatically increase your employability.

8.    Improve Your Skillset

Upskilling is one of the most important terms in the modern job market. Employers are always on the hunt for skilled individuals, so having a wide skillset tailored for certain fields can be of great benefit to you. So, when moving jobs, it’s always best to widen your own skillset to show employers that you’re capable, qualified, and ready to take on the responsibilities of the job you’re looking to land.


At Cooper Lomaz, we’re here to make the hunt for your next professional challenge an easy process. We help candidates through every step of the job search, making it easier for them to find a rewarding and enjoyable career.

So, if you’re looking for a fresh start, you can search jobs on our website where we post openings in a range of different positions, fields, and companies all the time, making it easier to find just the right work environment for your skillset and professional needs.