Cooper Lomaz MBO Completed

Posted October 19, 2021
Cooper Lomaz, a Norwich and London-based technical and professional recruitment firm, is pleased to announce the successful completion of a Management Buy Out of the business, led by Mark Darby.

10 Tips To Get Ahead In IT

Posted December 23, 2020
Competition for IT roles is fierce right now, but don’t despair. These strategies will work to set you apart from the crowd, no matter how big the crowd is.

Why servitisation is the new winning strategy for manufacturers

Posted December 9, 2020
Servitisation – a switch from product-based business models to service-based ones – is likely to separate the winners from the losers in the post-COVID manufacturing sector. Managers need to think beyond the factory and focus on delivering outcomes and value, not boxes of products.

5 ways COVID will change the food industry forever

Posted December 7, 2020
COVID’s impact on the food industry is likely to be much deeper, more far-reaching, and more permanent than the media would have us believe. So what will the defining trends of the post-COVID era really be?

What will accountancy firms look like post-COVID?

Posted October 30, 2020
As Britain ponders another lockdown, and accountancy firms contemplate yet more remote working, there’s never been a better time to ask: what next? What will accountancy’s “new normal” be when it’s finally safe to go back to the office?
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